I don’t know the scientific explanation behind mom brain, but I am pretty sure that I’ve got it from a number of endless sleepless nights, varying hormones, the pain of childbirth, etc.
But no matter what’s going on, I am supposed to be on top of everything right? I’m the mom. I need to know what to do next at all times. Why? Because I’m the one getting 100+ questions a day and I need to have an answer to all of them. Have I mentioned mental exhaustion adds to mom brain or did I forget to add that in there? I don’t remember….
So what is mom brain like? It’s something like this:
- Losing your phone and finding it somewhere random, like in the fridge.
- Rushing upstairs to get something, but when you get there, you have no idea what it was.
- Being in the middle of a sentence and completely blanking.
- Having someone ask you a completely logical question, such as “What do you want for dinner?” and you cannot figure out an answer.
- When the baby starts crying or fussing and you lose the ability to focus on anything else.
- Asking someone to pick up an object, staring at said object, but just pointing for them to pick it up but cannot remember what it’s called.
Mom brain is embarrassing. Period. At a time in your life when you are supposed to have all of the answers and a helpless human being depends on you, you feel the weight of every slip-up or mind blank.
Luckily, my kids seem to enjoy filling in the blanks, feeling very smart when they can help out. “Towel, mom! It’s called a towel!”
If you know a mom with young kids, I’ll bet she has some examples of her own mom brain experiences. Ask her and then laugh with her. Moms need a good laugh.
If you need a good laugh, check out the Twitter feed on #mombrain.
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