Spoiler alert, I’m finishing up Beachbody’s 9 Week Control Freak “Off the Wall” workout program. As always, Autumn Calabrese is motivating throughout every workout, so I scribbled her quotes as quickly as I could when I had a chance.
In the Off the Wall version of 9 Week Control Freak, there are 3 weeks of workouts that you do 3 times each, so I had a few chances to capture the quotes that really spoke to me. TBH, because of these quotes, some workouts started to feel like therapy. (Read my review of 9 Week Control Freak Off the Wall »)
There is so much negativity in the world and stress in daily life that I thought you might appreciate some of these motivating quotes as well, especially since many of these aren’t specific to exercise.
Thank you, Autumn, for helping me to start each day with positivity and motivation.
Note: these are quotes that Autumn Calabrese said during these Off the Wall workouts. Some of these might be actually attributed to someone else. And, I scribbled these down quickly so my apologies if they are not 100% exact.
Hover over any image to pin it to your Pinterest board!

Keep Going
“70% of people who start, quit. Not you.”
“In order to be in the 1%, you have to do what the other 99% won’t.”
“This is a test to see if you’re truly committed to the life you say you want.”
“If you don’t really want it, you’ll give up. Only those who are truly passionate will fight through that struggle.”
‘Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible.”‘
Choose You
“Be the positive force in your own life.”
“Be the one cheering yourself on. If no one else is going to do it, make sure you do.”
“If I don’t make sure I succeed, who is going to?”
“You are entirely up to you.”
“You are the life you accept for yourself.”

Tough love
“Find the positive in the hard.”
“Yes, it’s hard, but it’s not impossible.”
“You are your only limit. Get out of your own way.”
“You can have your dreams or you can have your excuses. You can’t have both.”
“You are free to make your own choices, but you’re not free from the consequences of those choices.”
“Easy is great, but it’s not going to get you anywhere.”
“Only when you let go of your excuses will you find your goals.”
Progress Over Perfection
“Sometimes growing feels like breaking at first.”
“Success is not an accident.”
“The people who achieve their goals are simply the ones who refuse to give up and put in the work.”
“You can’t let perfection stop progress.”
“We are all a work in progress.”

Let’s do this!
“The past is in your head, the future is in your hands. Take control of it.”
‘Every time I show up for a workout, I say to myself, “Let’s see how far I can go.”‘
“If you’re tired, do it tired! Finish it strong!”
“Your effort determines your results.”
“Anything you want is possible if you put in the work.”
“It’s about the will, not necessarily the skill. The skill will improve.”
Physical + Mental Health
“Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle.”
“When motivation isn’t there, let discipline take its place.”
“Eat like you love yourself. Move like you love yourself. Speak like you love yourself.”
“Fit is not a size, it’s a feeling.”
“The outside is just the result of what you’ve been working on on the inside.”
“You are the best project you’re ever going to work on.”

“Don’t mind my curse words — those are my workout words.”
“You’ve gotta hustle for that muscle.”
The oldie but goodie, “It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger.”
And of course the very well known, “Get comfortable being uncomfortable!”
Looking for more motivation? Get more Autumn Calabrese quotes from 80 Day Obsession »
Interested in learning what 9 Week Control Freak is? Read my Off the Wall review »
Do any of these quotes speak to you? Or are there other quotes that motivate you? If so, comment below, I’d love to hear them! I’m a sucker for a good, positive quote!
Bailey Fairfax says
To the momistrying.com admin, Thanks for the educational content!
Debbie says
You’re welcome! Thanks for reading.