While on my quest to get healthier, I came across the EverlyWell food sensitivity test. I liked that the EverlyWell test could tell you if you were highly, moderately or mildly sensitive to 96 different foods, and you could do it all from home!
In the past few years, I’ve had random reactions to food that I was never able to pinpoint, even through blood labs, so I thought, “why not give it a try?”
I bought the test through Amazon when it was on sale for the holidays. To be honest, it took me 8 months to get up the courage to take the EverlyWell test. I didn’t want to have to make myself bleed.
One day, I was alone in my house and decided I could be as squeamish as I wanted but I was going to take the test.
How Does the EverlyWell Food Sensitivity Test Work?
The EverlyWell food sensitivity test arrives in a box with everything you need:
- Alcohol prep pad for before the prick
- Two blood pricks (same type they use for diabetes tests I think)
- Bandaid, gauze for after the test
- Paper card for your blood drops
- Plastic bag for your card
- Bag to ship back to EverlyWell
- Instructions
First, register your kit, read the instructions and watch the instructional video. Then, wipe your finger with the alcohol prep, prick your finger and then drip blood onto your card. Bandage up, package up, mail back. About a week later, I received my food sensitivity test results via email.
EverlyWell is very specific to note that this is not a food allergy test, but my guess is that’s more a medical terminology or technicality issue. Or perhaps a disclaimer in case the results don’t catch something.
EverlyWell Food Sensitivity Test Review
Overall, it was a fairly simple process, once I got up the guts to prick myself. The instructional video was helpful and the kit had everything I needed.
Although, it’s good that EverlyWell provides two blood pricks because even following the instructions, I messed up the first one. The instructions tell you to prick your finger on the side of the finger pad, but what’s the finger pad? I studied the instructions carefully.
I wanted to make sure the cut wouldn’t hurt when I typed so I did basically the side of my finger. However, I barely got one circle filled with blood drops.
It turns out, when you basically prick your finger just to the side of the middle, blood drips a lot! Go figure.
Sidenote: This process gave me a new respect for people with diabetes who have to prick their finger regularly. My finger hurt for days after two pricks. Maybe I’m a wuss but yikes.
My Food Sensitivity Results
Despite some reactions to food I’ve had in the past, my EverlyWell food sensitivity test results were that I only had mild reactivity to 14 foods, half of which I don’t eat already. Phew!
Given a few food reactions in my past, I was surprised not to find any foods that I had high or moderate reactivity to; however, these results are consistent with lab tests I’ve done in the past.
Also, when I did the Whole30 elimination diet, I didn’t find any large sensitivities during the reintroduction phase.
I’ve had friends who have tried it and received very different results so I do believe these food sensitivity tests can be helpful indicators of larger issues.
So while I didn’t find anything notable, I’m relieved and happy I tried it just out of curiosity. And now I have a real reason to stay away from tuna!
Have you taken an Everlywell test? If so, did you get any surprising results? Or, do you already know of food sensitivities
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