I might be late to the party, but I’ve finally figured out how to use my Echelon Connect Sport bike WITHOUT a subscription!
Some background: I’ve had an Echelon Connect Sport bike for just over a year now. As detailed in my Echelon Connect Sport with Peloton App post, I would play the Peloton workout on my iPad and the Echelon app on my phone. I’d use an Echelon nature trail with the volume off so I could see my resistance, cadence, and distance.
Basically, I was paying $20 a month for the Echelon app to get the bike statistics. <face palm>
Some very kind readers commented on my blog post about using the QZ Qdomyos Zwift app to read my bike’s metrics.
I was hesitant to pay for the QZ Zwift app and not have it work, but I’m so glad I tried it!
After you pay for the app, open it up and start peddling your bike to start the bluetooth connection. The QZ Zwift app automatically detected my bike and started tracking my stats.
There was NO SETUP involved. It was super easy to use. Yay!

During my Peloton workout, there were ~4 minutes of arms. I stopped peddling the bike and watched the app like a hawk. I was nervous it would stop tracking and the stats would reset. But, it kept going!
After the workout, I immediately logged in to my Echelon account and canceled my monthly subscription.
Currently, the QZ Zwift app is $3.99 on the Apple store and $5.99 on the Google Play Store. The one-time fee for the QZ Zwift app was worth it and cheaper than my $20 per month Echelon app subscription.
Now, I can use my Echelon bike without a subscription. Yippee!! Thank you, readers!
Read my Echelon Connect Sport with Peloton App post »
Do you use the QZ Qdomyos Zwift app too? Or are you just learning about it now? I’d love to hear about your experiences with this app or any other app to track your bike’s performance. Please comment below!
Laura Sanchez says
This is so helpful. Do u run the app on your phone and peleton on another device? Sorry so new to this. I usually watch my peleton app on my smart tv.
Debbie says
Yes! I play the Peloton workout on my iPad and the QZ app on my phone. As long as both devices are charged enough, it works well!
Beth says
Have you figured out how to convert the echelon resistance on the zswift app to the peloton one?
Debbie says
Hi Beth, Yes! There are two separate resistance boxes on the zswift app — one for Peloton resistance and one for Echelon. I had to move the boxes around (there’s a button to allow you to rearrange) so I can see both on the same screen. But I just focus on the Peloton resistance since that’s the one that matters.