I first did Shift Shop years ago, but returned to it after finishing 9 Week Control Freak when I was looking for a new program to do. I remembered enjoying it and Chris Downing as a trainer, so decided to give Shift Shop another try.
Shift Shop Program Basics
- This Beachbody program is led by trainer Chris Downing
- It’s three weeks of workouts, 6 days a week plus a rest or optional active rest workout
- Each week the workouts get longer (25, 35, then 45 minutes)
- Strength days (using free weights) are followed by a 10 minute Shift Core workout
- You need pairs of weights, 4 different colored “markers” and a thick yoga mat or padded floor
- Have a fan on-hand. You’ll need it.
Everything above you can learn online. Below is my honest review and feedback of Shift Shop after going through all three weeks of the program.

- Chris is nice, funny and motivating
- Chris gives really good directions
- Each program has a modifier you can follow for a low impact version of each move
- You don’t really need to buy the floor markers. I used 4 colored headbands, which worked just fine.
- They use different cast in the various workouts, which helps when someone gets annoying
- Some of the cast members are impressively fit, which is motivating.
- Some other cast members are normal, which also makes this program feel more realistic.
- When doing moves for 45 or 60 seconds, it gives you time to focus on the move.
- Although Chris is obviously strong and fit, he shows vulnerabilities with his balance.
- Proving Grounds program was my favorite!
- The moves aren’t that complicated
- Love the countdown clock
Chris begins each workout talking about the “Shop Rule” for the day, like “Don’t let the move finish you. You finish the move.” or “Try before you modify.” They’re motivating quotes or thoughts, which I liked. Some of my favorite quotes:
“Change is contagious. Be the change agent you want to see in the world.”
“It’s not a race. It’s a marathon. This is a journey. Celebrate that journey.”
“On the other side of this is a better you, a stronger you and a more confident you.”
– Chris Downing, Shift Shop

There really aren’t many true “CONS” to this program other than the monotony of a move or discomfort, but these were the things that aren’t really “PROS.”
- He doesn’t often tell you how much weight people are using so when he goes up or down for different moves, you don’t know how much to adjust.
- You will need space to workout in (I ran backward into a wall a few times)
- The extra 10 minutes each week makes a difference, plus you’ll need extra time at the end for stretching/cool down.
- Crab walks. Ugh I hate the crab walk in Speed :25!
- This program has lots of bears, squats and push-ups.
- There is a lot of bending over and touching the floor.
- Especially in the 45 minute workouts, some moves get really repetitive. Time doesn’t fly by as much.
- In the Shift Core program, they are laying on a thin yoga mat on a concrete floor. Ouch! I was happy to have my foam floor mat tiles for padding.
- He tells you a lot to smile… often when you don’t want to smile.
My Shift Shop Results
The first time I did Shift Shop, I followed the program and portion fix containers strictly for 3 weeks. I remember I lost 8 pounds and felt so strong. This time around, I did the workouts, but did not follow a meal plan.
Did I lose weight? Nope, but I wasn’t trying to either. My goal is maintenance and to be consistent with working out, which I did. I enjoyed the programs and felt myself getting stronger, even though the workouts got longer each week.
I wish there were more Chris Downing programs– does anyone know what happened to Chris Downing?

Have you tried Shift Shop before? What did you think of the program? Comment below, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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