Let’s get one thing clear– I am NOT a runner. In fact, I’m not supposed to run more than 100 yards at a time because I have Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. However, my new year’s resolution was to run at least 2 miles one time a month for exercise, variety, and honestly, out of curiosity of what would happen. Could I do it?
On January 1, I decided to run 2 miles on the first weekend of every month; however, I could walk as much as I needed to so that I wouldn’t hurt my hip. Note: I’d been exercising at home with Beachbody On Demand for at least 3 years, so I wasn’t new to exercising– just running.
The first few runs were pretty embarrassing; thankfully, I was alone. But then, coronavirus hit. We were housebound and home together 24/7. Running became “me time.” I started running maybe once every two weeks, sometimes more depending on the weather and work.
And then in July, Facebook advertising was spot-on. It said something like:
Sign up for the 18.5 miles Cinderella virtual race. Take as much time as you need to complete it, but when you’re done, you get a medal and a t-shirt.
A Cinderella race? “My daughter is going to think I am SO cool,” I thought. I know it’s completely unrealistic but it gives me something to aim for, even if it takes months to complete. Why not try it?
So, I signed up for the 18.5 mile Yes.Fit Cinderella virtual race! Whaaaaat?
Turns out, it’s not really a race but an app where you log your runs. Well, it doesn’t have to even be a run. The site says you can run, walk, crawl, bike, skip… make it your own! It’s all up to you. It’s YOUR race.
When purchasing, you pre-buy your medal and/or t-shirt, which auto-ship when you complete the race. But, this gave me a tangible goal. I WANTED that shirt!
I tracked my miles using my Runkeeper app, but you can use a FitBit, Apple Watch, or any other tracking device you want. I used manual entry instead of automatic sync so it didn’t use my everyday steps.
Once I finished, you guys, my daughter didn’t give a hoot. She thought the medal was pretty but two seconds later, she was over it. Luckily, I was excited about it on my own and my family often joined me as they could.
I completed the 18.5 miles in two months!
I felt so motivated to finish it faster, especially as the percent completed in the app closed in on 100%. I started doing a little more than 2 miles each time. My wireless Apple AirPods made exercising so much easier too; no cords and motivating music!
This past week, I did the 6.2 mile World’s Largest Turkey Trot 2020 virtual race in TWO RUNS! My family joined in (bikes, strollers) and I felt so motivated to just see how far I could go. I actually ended up doing 3.5 and then 3.2 miles– TWO 5Ks in three days!
I’m a slow runner and I stop and walk as needed. BUT, there is something about seeing the accumulation of distance and having the “prize” at the end that helps move me along.
I’m now working on the 30.9 mile Elephants in Thailand virtual race, and yes I picked based on the medal and t-shirt design but who cares? I’m running! Bonus that it gets me out of the house during coronavirus too!
If you’re just starting to run too or are an avid runner, please comment with your tips below. I’d love to hear them!
Yes.Fit Virtual Race Promo Code
Interested in running a Yes.Fit virtual race too? Enter promo code eHsclNur (case sensitive) during check-out to receive a $5 discount off your first race.
More Virtual Races Completed!
I’m continuing my Yes.Fit journey by completing more races. A few more are posted below, but to see more, read an update on my Yes.Fit journey or view my posts tagged with “Yes.Fit”!

I finished the Elephants in Thailand yes.fit race in January 2021. Got the tank top and treated myself to a headband too!

In March 2021, I took a break from my current virtual race to do the St. Patrick’s Day 5K. For joining the race, you get a t-shirt, no medal. But, I got myself the Yes.Fit winter hat with the hole on top for my ponytail. Genius! I thoroughly enjoyed my matching green ombre Olive & June nail polish too.
Jenn L. says
I just started this in January and love it! I did the sea turtle exploration ‘race’ and had it done in about 2 weeks, but I also log my miles from my spin bike. I don’t run (unless a wild animal is chasing me), but I just do brisk walks when I can and ride my bike. I love that you can click on the map in the app or website as you progress and it gives you real photos from your route- some are pretty cool! I’m doing the Alaska one now and the elephant is next on my list. I just get the medals for now, but the coins are pretty neat. I think I’m going to do one a month just for motivation.
Debbie says
I remembered reading that you don’t have to run (I think it says something like “crawl, walk, skip, run, whatever”) but I had forgotten. Thanks for the reminder! I agree, some of the real photos from your route are really cool. I just finished the Elephants in Thailand one and am trying to decide on my next one. I’ll look into the Alaska one too! I’m glad you are enjoying yes.fit as well!
Brittanie Benavidez says
This is wonderful, I’m so glad I came across your blog. I cant tell you how long I have been contemplating this whole virtual race idea, and I’ve decided this time Year will be the Year. I also stumbled across Yes.Fit and didn’t know too much about it so reading this definitely gave me some clarity on that as well. Congratulations on your completed events!
Debbie says
I’m so glad that you found this post helpful. Best of luck on your virtual race journey! I hope you find it as fun as I did. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂
Jonathan says
I find it very motivating as well, I did the Giza Pyramid race for Conqueror and am doing the Dragonfly for Yes Fit next… I want to do the solar system races from Pacer after! Sometimes a material goal helps, the community helps… we all need a little help now and then <3
Debbie says
Oh I didn’t even know about the Giza Pyramid race. I JUST finished the Dragonfly race– the medal is beautiful! There are so many, and yes, any help you can get to keep you motivated is a win. Good for you!!
Emily says
I getting ready to start my running with yes.fit. I’m super excited to see the national park runs! I think I’m going to start with the grand canyon and slowly work thru them. The king Arthur medal looks really cool to me too. I also think I’m going to do one cumulative race for the whole summer/autumn/winter with the Conquerer Challenges. They have some monsters!! Yet, like yes fit its at your pace. Its fun to be rewarded for accomplishing goals.
Debbie says
This is wonderful! Welcome to the yes.fit family 🙂 The Grand Canyon is on my list! I’m excited to see the views from each stop. I’ll have to look into the Conquerer Challenges, thank you!
Amber says
Does anyone have the membership? If so is it free to get tshirts and metals and do the race with the membership or is that an additional cost?
Debbie says
Hi Amber!
Yes, people do sign up for the membership. I personally do not have it because it didn’t make sense for me, but I’ve been tempted to join for sure! From what I can tell, the benefits include:
– being able to do a race without having to pay for a medal
– access to members-only races and challenges
– free shipping (they just added shipping costs for non-members)
– 20% discount on rewards and merchandise
– early access to new races
There might be opportunities for free shirts and medals, but since I’m not a member, I can’t speak to those. https://yes.fit/membership can give you more details about a Yes.Fit membership.