Heel balm… not exactly the world’s most sexy topic. But if your feet get dry and cracked in the winter and rough and hard in the summer like mine, then you may have been passively hunting for some heel balm that could resolve your issues.

I added Olive and June’s heel balm to my cart back in Winter with the hopes that it could help my feet. I immediately liked it for a few reasons:
- Easy to apply since you just roll it on
- Not a greasy feeling after applying
- Soaks into heels nicely
- Has only a subtle smell (not super fragrant)
- Lasts for about 1-2 months, depending on how often and much you apply
- Keeps my heels from getting cracked, hard or dried out!
After my original heel balm purchase ran out, I went weeks before ordering a new one. Mostly because I wanted to see if the heel balm really made a difference or if it was all in my head. Plus, $20 for some heel balm felt pricey.
After some time went by, I tried other lotions and options on my feet and it just WAS NOT THE SAME. Lotions either added too much moisture to my feet that they were slippery and greasy or didn’t do much except momentarily moisturize and then dry up.
Since nothing could compare, I finally broke and ordered some more heel balm, along with a few other Olive and June goodies to fill my cart too (because why not?). My feet have been so much better since I got my new heel balm.
Bottom line is I love this heel balm so much that I’m dedicating an entire post to it.
If you are looking for a way to repair your dry, cracked heels, you need to try this! Especially now that it’s warmer weather, your feet need to be sandals ready!
How I use Olive and June’s Heel Balm
The instructions say, “For maximum absorption, follow with cotton socks,” but I apply the heel balm directly before bedtime. (Despite a few tries, I just could not sleep with socks on.)
So every night before I get under the covers, I apply the heel balm directly to my heels and balls of my feet. Then I rub it in and give myself a quick foot massage… because #selfcare. Afterward, I try not to walk around to give the heel balm time to soak in. Easy peasy.
Even without socks, I still can tell the difference! And, I like to think my hands get a little of the benefits from the foot massage too.
Other Olive and June Products
The Olive and June “Cookies and Cream” color palette (see photo above) first caught my attention. I purchased the set and was hooked by just how good their nail polish was. It was easy to put on, had great colors, and lasted!
Read my full review of Olive and June’s nail polish »
Once the polish is on, it’s great to have a helper that dries the polish in minutes. You must preserve your manicure! Read my review of Olive and June’s dry drops »
Olive and June Discount Code
Are you interested in trying this heel balm or any Olive and June products too? Use any link in this post and get $10 off your first purchase of $50+! Plus, you get free shipping on orders $40+ so throw in a few of your favorite nail polishes to get both discounts. I hope you enjoy the heel balm and their nail polish as much as I do!
Have you used Olive and June before? Comment below; I’d love to know what you thought!
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