Remember back in March 2020 when toilet paper was a hot commodity? Grocery store shelves were bare and Amazon sold 6 rolls of toilet paper for like $50? I wish I had known then about and their toilet paper delivery!

When a friend posted a photo of her fun colored rolls of toilet paper, my first thought was “WHERE DID YOU FIND TOILET PAPER?” because of course, COVID. Then the name made me laugh. I had to investigate.
I learned a few things about WhoGivesaCrap toilet paper:
- They offer two different types of toilet paper– 100% bamboo and 100% recycled paper.
- They sell more than just toilet paper! Tissues and paper towels as well.
- All of their products are either bamboo or recycled paper. No trees harmed!
- All of their products come with fun patterns.
- They tout “plastic-free products.” Even the delivery box didn’t use packing tape. (Is paper tape a thing?)
- 50% of their profits are donated to help build toilets. Awww!
- You can set up a regular delivery of their products to your house. How convenient!
- Shipping is free if you buy over a certain amount.
Since I haven’t been inside a grocery store since March, I figured stocking up on toilet paper in case there was a second toilet paper shortage couldn’t hurt. This mom wanted to try it!
So, I bought 24 rolls of the bamboo toilet paper and 6 forest-friendly paper towels. When the box arrived, I was excited– what pattern would they be?
I saw the paper towels first. Fun!

The toilet paper rolls were all black and white patterns. The box had been delivered in the rain (apparently putting a box under the porch a few feet away wasn’t necessary?). BUT, the toilet paper was unharmed despite the box bottom being soaking wet. Phew!

My review:
The 100% bamboo toilet paper: is great! It’s not a luxurious feeling by any means, but it’s also not close to that thin toilet paper they have in public restrooms. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised at the quality considering I had no idea what to expect. This toilet paper gets the job done.
Also random, the toilet paper roll is quite thick. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t foresee it getting squished like regular toilet paper rolls would.
Plus, because the wrapping is pretty! I keep one out near the toilet, which is way more convenient than under the bathroom cabinets.
The forest-friendly paper towels: Similar to the toilet paper, I really thought this stuff would be… crap. It’s not the most absorbent paper towels and it is plain white, but they serve their purpose just fine.
Two #firstworldproblems cons about the paper towels:
- The paper towels are shorter than my paper towel roll holder so it looks a bit funny with the holder sticking out.
- The paper towel hole is smaller than regular paper towels so when I go to pull off a paper towel, the roll doesn’t spin. I have to move my hand instead.
Both “cons” are two things that I guarantee I’m the only one in the house that has noticed.
Overall, am I happy I tried these? Yes! Would I buy from again? Absolutely! I just need to get through my growing stash of toilet paper first.
Thought: if toilet paper is still a highly valued item in December, I might be shipping family members a box of toilet paper for their Christmas gift. Is that weird?
Reminder: clicking on any of the referral links in this post to will get you $10 off your first order. #worthit
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