I have a few friends whose eyelashes always look amazing. It turns out that they go to a local nail salon to get fake eyelashes applied – and they last for 3 to 4 weeks!
In the spirit of trying something new, I had to give them a try. Plus, if it meant I didn’t have to wear eye makeup and had amazing eyelashes, I’d be OK with that too. 🙂
My fake eyelashes application experience:
- I made an appointment at the friend-recommended location to put on my eyelashes. She was booked up two weeks out.
- I went in with no makeup on.
- I selected the small and medium mix length eyelashes. I wanted long enough to be noticeable but look natural.
- I had to lay back and sit very still as she slowly applied the lashes, put glue on, let them dry, etc.
- My eyes watered a lot because of the glue, but she said that was normal, especially for the first time. It felt similar to how onions made my eyes sting.
- The process in total took about an hour, but that might be longer than usual because of my watery eyes.
- They cost $55, plus tip.
I didn’t really know what to expect but friends, I LOVE these fake eyelashes. Not only did I get so many compliments from others on my eyelashes, but also it was so nice to feel good without wearing any makeup.

My after-application experience:
- The first few days, it was very noticeable to me that something was on my eyelashes. After that, I got used to them.
- Forgetting about the eyelashes, I tried to rub my eyes a few times before I remembered.
- I’m a side sleeper, so I adjusted how my face hit the pillow to try to help them last longer.
- After the shower or washing my face, I gently tried to dry my eyes but I didn’t want to hurt the lashes so I basically had to let them air dry.
- It felt SO good to look in the mirror and feel already somewhat put together without any makeup.
- After I got used to the eyelashes, they felt natural and looked natural (to me at least)
- Not having to do eye makeup saved me time in the mornings.
- It took a week and a half for my husband to notice the eyelashes 🙂
The lashes are not one long strip but little “groups” (for lack of a better word?) of 3 lashes. I had one group fall out about a week and a half in. Luckily, it was from the far side of one eye, so it wasn’t very noticeable. I think this was from sleeping on my side.
Then about 2 weeks after application, I had two groups of eyelashes come out after a shower (I forgot about them and rubbed my face with a towel). Those two were actually stuck together so I think one pulled the other off. BUT, it still wasn’t too noticeable without those two groups.
So you might ask: how long did they last?
Overall, these fake eyelashes (applied by someone else) lasted me about 3 weeks. Since the three groups that fell out weren’t really that noticeable, I don’t count those in the timeline. I think my inexperience of having fake eyelashes contributed to those falling out early.
I did go out and buy some fake eyelash glue though so I can re-apply groups that fall out in the future between application sessions.
Have you ever gotten fake eyelashes applied by someone else? Do you use the DIY fake eyelashes? Please comment below, I’d love to hear about your experience too.
Thanks for reading!
Update: when I went to get my new fake eyelashes applied, one of my own eyelashes dropped on my eyeball. The lady tried to get it off with a Q-tip and accidentally scratched my eye. It was a whole mess and I went to the eye doctor to be safe and then spent two days in bed not being able to see while it healed.
Needless to say, I loved the ease and look of the fake eyelashes but won’t be getting them done again. They were BEAUTIFUL but I am too shaken by the possibility of losing my eyesight again by a small accident.
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