August was full of those impossible decisions– deciding between a rock and a hard place. How do you choose what’s best for you and your family when the answer isn’t always obvious?
Once again, a lot of it is small stuff, but smiles were definitely needed in August and small things add up!
Fun Gifts for Myself
Home Work: A Memoir of My Hollywood Years by Julie Andrews. This summer has been full of heavy emotions and I wanted to listen to a book that was fun and interesting. This book was spot-on.
I knew of Julie Andrews from Mary Poppins and The Princess Diaries, but not much in between. Her life has been SO interesting. From the fascinating people she’s worked with (Walt Disney!) to the amazing places she’s traveled, I’ve added a few movies to my Amazon Prime queue and destinations to visit list.
Plus, the best part is that Julie reads the book so I got to listen to her beautiful accent for hours a day. It was really good for my soul.
AirPods Case. I’m on work calls all day long. Popping my AirPods into my ears so I can keep talking while changing a diaper or bring my laptop into the other room is key, but the AirPods case is slippery and easy to lose.
So I bought myself a mint green AirPods case. The AirPods fit into it perfectly, it’s pretty, it has a clip, and is much easier to keep track of.
A new door mat. This “Doorbell broken. Yell ‘Ding Dong!’ really loud.” door mat is totally ridiculous/stupid/unnecessary but I saw it and had to buy one. Our doormat needed replacing anyway.
It’s not some high-quality mat but I laughed so hard when I bought it and still smile every time I go in or out the door. It was $32. #worthit
Unfortunately, no delivery folks have shouted “Ding Dong!” yet, but my neighbor does every time he stops by. The smiles just keep coming.
Functional Purchases
Face Mask Lanyards. Wearing face masks can still be awkward, especially since we spend so much time outdoors. How do you let people know that even though you aren’t wearing a mask, you have one with you to wear if you need it? How do you keep a mask handy without having to hold it?
Someone mentioned lanyards so I did a quick search and found a 2-pack for $9. It’s so simple but it’s also brilliant! I figured the kids could use them so they don’t lose their mask but I’ve been using them the most. Plus, it’s easy. Moms like easy! Easy makes me smile.
Female urination device. OK this one is borderline ridiculous, but hear me out.
Ladies, you know when you’re on a drive and have to use a gas station restroom, but really don’t want to because, eww? Women can hover over the toilet and touch as little as possible but little girls don’t have a choice.
Especially in a coronavirus environment, the last thing I want to do is have to make a quick stop anywhere that doesn’t seem sanitary. So yes, I hope I never have to use it, but when the time comes, I’m going to be so thankful I can pee standing up, just like a guy. And, I’m sure it’s going to feel ridiculous and funny.
And there are two– one for each car’s glovebox.
Plus, planning ahead makes me feel prepared, safe and happy.
Feeding my Emotions
Because unfortunately I’m an emotional eater and food makes me happy. So, it’s on the list.

Bubly sparkling water. I scored big at the beginning of August. My local Target is often out of Bubly except for lime and grapefruit (bleh). The good flavors go fast.
This month, I got blackberry, cherry, raspberry, peach and orange. I literally saw it on the app, added one of each to my cart and ordered. Immediately. No mango, but I’ll deal.
What a huge surprise to receive the confirmation that all were ready for pickup! It was like spotting a double rainbow, only this rainbow lasted all month.
BoomChickaPop Light Kettle Corn. Why am I just learning about this stuff now? 35 calories per cup and absolutely delicious! Although slightly addictive so beware.
Stonewall Kitchen’s Ultimate Bar Mix. I’m a HUGE Stonewall Kitchen fan so when trying to buy a gift for a friend, I took my purchase seriously. It of course had to include their ultimate bar mix. I’m not sure if this seems odd or not, but I tried a sample in their store one time and was hooked.
I don’t buy it often because I seriously cannot put it down, but if you’re looking for some good snack mix, this stuff is thebomb[dot]com. I’m also obsessed with Stonewall Kitchen’s All-Purpose Cleaners because it makes your house smell amazing post-clean.
Without a commute or morning regimen to take up my morning, I’m trying to be better about using that time for a little self care. Right now, a lot of time that is in the form of more sleep, but a few other ways as well.
Barre Blend. I’m working my way through this 60-day barre program from home, surrounded by toys and children. Even following the low-impact, modified moves and using 2 lb weights, I am definitely feeling the burn. And, I’m starting to see changes in my body despite that I am not doing it every day. It feels so good!
Yes.Fit Cinderella Virtual Race. I’m not a runner, but being cooped up in the house all day long sometimes gives me the motivation to get outside and just RUN! Rather than running willy nilly, I signed up for the 18.5 mile Cinderella virtual race. I log my “runs” and as I run once a week or so, I’ve been slowly working my way to that medal and t-shirt, which I’ve already paid for.
I figure feeling a part of anything healthy and positive is a good thing. And, I’m challenging my body and setting a good example for my kids… because they’re too young to care how slow I run. Awesome!
In closing, I’d like to say a huge goodbye to August 2020. Cheers to surviving another quarantine month while still staying somewhat sane. I hope you all found something to make you smile and motivated to keep going.
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