This past month has been hard… really hard. So I’d like to honor the close of July 2020 by noting a few things that have helped me get through the month.
Either these things made me smile or just helped me survive; I’m hoping they’ll help you too. Stay safe and healthy everyone! <3

For Mom
- Rachel Hollis’ “Keep. Going.” video on Instagram. I’m thankful my sister shared this with me. It made me cry and it pumped me up. I wrote down some key phrases on a post-it for my desk.
The stress of the last few months have been REALLY hitting hard this week; I needed to hear this to help me keep going. In case you do too, please take the 12 minutes to watch it. - Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies. I’ve been taking one a day since December 2019, but finally realized WHEN I take them is key. After a meal when I want to eat but don’t need to eat, I eat two gummies and it helped me keep from snacking out of boredom. Calories saved!
- Bubly sparkling water. So many delicious flavors and it doesn’t have the extra juice or additives. Drinking Bubly also helps me avoid snacking when I’m not really hungry. Woot woot! Blackberry is my FAV bubly.
- Air Conditioning. Because it’s REALLY hot outside. Sometimes, it’s nice to appreciate the little things.
For the Kids
- Box of 100 Greeting Cards. For the days when my kids are sick of summer bridge worksheets, they opt to “write letters.” Apparently construction paper and printer paper and not good enough. Rather than using my Crane & Co. cards, I bought this box of 100 greeting cards for them to use. Go for it, kids!
- Little Partners’ Kids Learning Tower. My 1 year old finally discovered how much more she can see from the learning tower. It’s become her new perch. And honestly, it’s adorable to watch her watching us.
- Yumi baby food delivery. When life gets crazy and I feel guilty for giving the baby the same food over and over, I order another box of Yumi. Fresh purees with fruits and veggies in combinations I’d never think to combine. Giving her Yumi foods gives my momguilt a break.
For My Sanity
- Educated by Tara Westover. I could not stop listening to this book. Her upbringing was fascinating. Multiple times, I was in awe of her bravery, shock at her survival and humbled by her continued strength. It’s like the girl version of Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance, if you’ve read that one.
Educated made me thankful for my past and present, despite its current hardships, my life is a cakewalk compared to what she’s had to overcome. - #IMOMSOHARD by Kristin Hensley & Jen Smedley. In the few minutes I find where I can sit and read, this book is awesome for a few minutes of laughs. It also makes me feel like I am not so alone in my mom hardships. Kind of like a big hug in a book.
- Taylor Swift “Folklore” Album!!!! Taylor Swift’s surprise new album is the perfect background for life right now. New Taylor Swift music is always welcome but I really needed this. If you haven’t listened to it yet, go now!
- Disinfectant spray, wipes, anything! I have no idea how I randomly snagged some Method Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner and Clorox disinfecting wipes, but I know I’ll need this for flu/coronavirus season. It was such a relief to get the shipping confirmation emails!
Honestly, the best thing I remember from July was receiving a genuine, unsolicited compliment….
I finally broke down and had someone come clean the house for me. She wore a mask the whole time, took off her shoes, etc. I kept apologizing for the little messes here and there. “I’m trying to keep things picked up, I promise!” I said. Then, she said, “I can tell you’re maintaining the house, really, I can! Honestly, you’re doing a great job!”
I repeat, “You’re doing a great job!” What? Really? Me?! You guys, she had just been in my house for 2 hours– she witnessed the madness that is our life right now. I almost started crying. I really needed to hear that. <3
What are some things that have made you smile this month?
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